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Skin Care: Fact And Fiction


Skin is the largest organ on the body, so caring for it properly can impact how we look and feel in terms of self-esteem and overall health. But where there is high demand for solutions, misinformation can cause people to miss out or even harm themselves. No two people have the exact same skin, and one-size-fits-all promises can give mixed signals to desperate people, so the best answers come from professionals who can work with you to find solutions in the face of some these common myths:

Steam Cleanses Skin
Cleansing skin with steam is effective, but timing matters. Many do so in the shower to save time, steaming opens up the skin pores, allowing for the very dirt one is trying to wash off the body during the shower to be absorbed back in. Additionally, too much steam can rupture capillaries in sensitive skin.

Night & Day Require Different Products
People needn't use different products during day and night but it helps if you are mindful of ingredients. While out and about in the daytime, a built-in SPF can guard against sun exposure, whereas at night, something more soothing and cooling might be more appropriate.

Solutions Are At Home
Many home remedies exist that supposedly help with skincare, but may have no effect or even be harmful, so talking to a healthcare professional is important to get objective and personalized information.

Quantity Is Quality
There are many skincare tools and physical exfoliators with natural ingredients. These are usually not harmful by themselves, but the problem arises when people are impatient and aggressive with their application, hoping for immediate results as proof of effectiveness. But consistency is more important in the long term, gently removing superficial buildup while not harming the skin's protective capabilities.

Skin Becomes What We Eat
Diet can effect our overall health and therefore our skin, but its important to work with a healthcare professional to isolate the exact causative factors. Otherwise, one may be needlessly cut back on foods they think are causing skin issues but may only be correlated, while making it still more difficult to pinpoint other confounding factors and lifestyle choices.

Aside from a healthy diet and consistent skin care routine, skin care treatments are important to deal with any concerns and to maintain healthy overall skin. Nulook Medspa, located in Toronto, offers a variety of skin treatments for several concerns. If you have any skin care concerns, schedule a consultation to discuss possible treatment options!

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